Sound Theology Passionate Hearts


focused Modular learning

One Class
at a Time

Missiology Is Good Ecclesiology and Much More

Building on the foundation of thorough systematic theology and the original languages, WGC classes will center on the the church (its development and strengthening)-which is what missions is ultimately all about. Classes will bring Scripture to bear on studies from apologetics to evangelism, biblical counseling to spiritual disciplines and from cross-cultural studies to the history of the church and missions.

Dive Deep

Spend one to three weeks solely dedicated with each professor as you mine the Scriptures, topic by topic. Go beyond academic requirements and have your heart challenged to walk in holiness and reach the lost from a foundation of deep doctrinal roots.
Every few weeks no classes are taught so as to give you and your cohort an open “Completion Week” to digest your studies and finish up required work for previous courses. Each credit is 15 hours of class time plus required reading and writing.

minister under the best and highest of authority

To Build Trust in and Knowledge of the Bible

Five Course Departments

Language Studies 

Put Biblical Pieces Together   

Systematic theology is a coming together of scriptural truths from the entire Bible, synthesized into concise understanding that anchors faith and practice. While examining the ‘meta-narrative’ of the Word is beneficial, we believe the risk of forcing some passages to fit the narrative and potential reduction of the original intent of many passages is too high to major on that interpretive grid. If handled faithfully, both systematic and biblical theology are Christ-exalting. Studying the Bible doctrine by doctrine, hopefully, leaves missionaries confident in handling critical realms of truth while still understanding the flow of God’s revelation and redemptive plan.