Equipping Hearts, Changing Nations
What is Whitefield Global all about?
As an institution seeking to be a part of Christ sending His missionaries, Whitefield Global College has a primary aim of glorifying God. Because we are convinced of His sovereignty over all things, we put the cultivation of faithfulness, theological readiness and boldness in men and women hoping to serve cross-culturally over strategic planning. Whitefield works hand-in-hand with sending church leadership to disciple Christian servants as they are trained to proclaim Christ and accurately handle His Word. Graduates will plant and strengthen Bible-driven, indigenous, local churches to effectively advance the gospel among every people group.
Bring Glory to God in All Things
God’s glory is the ultimate mission of God and thus His people. So as people worship the Lord in spirit and truth, He is duly honored, and they are made to be glad. As believers in Christ make true disciples, they all end up joining the increasing worldwide chorus of praise to God for His holiness, mercy, and justice. Both the methods and the means of proclaiming the gospel need to bring glory to the name of our King.
To Be Used of God Preparing His Servants
As the Lord raises up faithful men and women to serve directly in cross-cultural gospel advance, Whitefield’s heart is to disciple them toward humility, maturity and readiness alongside their sending church. With deep doctrinal roots, thorough trust in the authority of the Bible and extensive missions-specific training, confirmation of God’s call can be all the more certain for the missionary and senders alike.
Prioritize the Local Church: God’s Design
Sifting out all the possible avenues that contemporary missions offer new workers, the fact is – it’s the launching and strengthening of the local church that the Bible prescribes. In every people group, the aim must ultimately be biblical, local churches for worship, teaching, counsel, fellowship, and admonishment. Once saved, every believer is called to gather with other believers and fulfill all the glorious functions of the church. Whitefield operates on the truth that good missiology is just good ecclesiology in every context. Yes, families, local communities and entire nations can be transformed by the gospel of Christ, no question, but our focus must begin and end with biblical, elder-led, local churches who preach and minister the Word of God.
Work from Theological Moorings You Trust
What a blast of encouragement it is for a local sending church to know that their partners in readying future missionaries are one the same, uncompromised page of biblical truth. Whitefield’s instruction and discipleship flow out of complete trust that Scripture is God’s inspired, authoritative, inerrant, infallible revelation and is sufficient for everything for life, godliness and world evangelism. God’s sovereignty over salvation and every dimension of systematic theology is paramount as we seek to export the pure gospel truth of Jesus Christ that is clear, life-giving, Trinitarian, cessationist, and determined to give God glory.