Serious Steps for a Serious Future
Since the gravity of what we do as ambassadors for Christ around the world is so significant, please understand the thoroughness WGC employs from the very start. The application for admission process has a few phases and will take some meaningful time, prayer and thought. It begins with you discussing this with your church’s leaders and allowing them, as a spiritual authority over you, to weigh in and guide your your aspirations. We are here to also serve under the authority of your church. Thank you for understanding and being intentional and prayerful as you pursue the Lord’s will, just as we need to be.
At any point of filing out your written application, you may pause and pick up where you left off, if you return using the same browser. We also encourage you to start a conversation or learn more if you are not yet at the stage of formally applying.
What does the application process involve?
As you will see on your written application (Phase One) you will share your salvation testimony and a thorough description of yourself and what the Lord has walked you through up to this stage.
Give details of your home, church, previous education, work, and outreach experience. Share with us what your church elders have counseled you about becoming a missionary candidate.
Arrange for us to develop a relationship with a pastor, elder or missions overseer of the local church where you are a member. We work side by side and under the authority of your sending church, so you will have to help us get connected.
Pay a $50 application fee with your application. (This fee is non-refundable.)
Then, in a face-to-face conversation (interview is in-person or online) discuss your hopes and intentions with our president (or a designated representative).
Prayerfully consider and list (in order) the top three international cultures you would like to request being exposed to alongside current missionaries during your Whitefield education.
Applicants Checklist:
Pray and discuss your intentions for cross-cultural ministry with your Church leadership.
Complete the Phase One Application; pay the application fee; continue praying.
Complete the required entrance interview.
Be a genuine Christian manifesting repentance toward God and exclusive faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be a formal member in good standing of a gospel-driven local church with the church’s leadership support for getting equipped.
Be in substantial agreement with the WGC Doctrinal Statement; communicate forthrightly in areas of difference or uncertainty.
Be sweetly submissive to studying the Bible from the perspective that it is inspired, inerrant, infallible, sufficient and authoritative.
Be sweetly submissive to being discipled in any realm of life by Whitefield Disciplers charged with aiding your church in your care and mentorship.
Hold a bachelor’s degree with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.60 (A limited number of students without a bachelor’s degree may be considered for matriculation into a certificate program.)
We intentionally make a priority of offering high caliber education and training at the lowest costs possible. The last thing a rising missionary needs is student debt. Thus, the WGC program is a simple, no frills, all-heart effort to meet the need. Lord willing, WGC will serve as a small, but power-packed, help to churches and students with excellent preparation and discipleship. One minor dimension of that approach is that all students will contribute a little in the maintenance and cleanliness of our facilities as we aim to bless the amazing church family that hosts the college and thus avoid unnecessary labor costs.
There are two components to WGC expenses: funds to pay for Field Exposure and tuition. Both are described below.
Field Exposure
Whitefield Global holds firmly to the truth that missionaries should “go biblical before they go cross-cultural” and prioritize knowing God and applying His Word personally before merely getting immersed in training for international living. Secondarily, the value of in-country experience and living alongside current missionaries is immeasurable. WGC is committed to sending students into various cultural contexts at the lowest cost possible. The design of collecting equal fees for all students is to overcome the fluctuating expenses of different trips and living costs.
Students are encouraged to involve current and new supporters in underwriting much of the cost of the required Field Exposure even while at WGC. This, in turn, will help each student build their team of senders and prayer partners well before graduation.
Our aim is to have students witness biblical church ministry in a number of different contexts. We will prioritize the cultures the students prioritize, but we will also stretch each student to live among a variety of people-groups. If the student’s target field is already determined, then that culture will receive appropriate emphasis. *Note* Tuition costs are additional, separate expenses (see section below).
Each Year:
1-Week Local Cross-Cultural Practicum (Mid-Fall): $300
3-Week Overseas Exposure (Post-Christmas): $2100
8-Week Overseas Exposure (June-July): $4200
Total Field Exposure Funds to Raise: $6600/Year*
Total for 36 weeks of cross-cultural experience (all three years): $19,800 *
[Previous in-country training/experience will be considered if with approved ministries and on a case-by-case basis.]
*Costs may vary each year
Whitefield’s Master of Arts in Missiology program is 67 credits of education over the course of three years at $220 per credit hour. The following summary outlines tuition costs if the student takes every course as is intended/scheduled. *Note* Field Exposure costs are additional, separate expenses (see section above).
- Full Tuition Year One (24 credits): $5280
- Full Tuition Year Two (23 credits): $5060
- Full Tuition Year Three (20 credits): $4400
- Total tuition (for all three years) is $14,740*
Tuition rates are for full-time students (9 credits/semester)
(Part-time student tuition is $330/credit*)
*Costs may vary each year