Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Q: Shouldn’t churches train their own missionaries rather than sending them to a college?
A: Direct answer…yes. In fact, what WGC is aiming to do is help local churches in that training process by partnering with them. In areas that the church doesn’t feel staffed or with sufficient time, we offer a comprehensive, trustworthy education and field training in a relatively short timeframe. Many churches may be equipped to handle the entire process for their rising missionaries and that is a preferred approach. WGC exists to be a helpful co-laborer in this marvelous task however the Lord leads. Long-term we hope to be instrumental in assisting more local churches to handle more and more of this independently.
Q: What denomination is Whitefield Global College?
A: WGC is a non-denominational (or independent) Protestant college. Our founder is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, CA, which is also non-denominational. While WGC feels it offers a special/needed service to those from independent churches, students may attend from denominations, of course. Students must be in substantial agreement with the WGC Doctrinal Statement and be forthright about any differences when applying. WGC advocates gospel-centrality, expository preaching, elder-served leadership, reformed doctrine and biblical counseling all under the authority of Scripture.
Q: Does Whitefield Global hold to the Doctrines of Grace?
A: Yes. As stated in our Doctrinal Statement, we are convinced that Scripture is clear on God’s sovereignty over all things, including salvation. We are equally convinced of His great love for the lost as demonstrated by Christ’s saving work and the urgency of His command to proclaim the gospel with all urgency and accuracy, knowing that regeneration and conversion are entirely a work of the Holy Spirit. More on The Doctrines of Grace.
Q: Is WGC Accredited?
In these initial phases of Whitefield Global College, we are exploring the benefits of being accredited by a small, private, Christian accrediting agency. While accreditation is a positive in many ways, what it may not do is compel any level of compromise or overly burdensome requirements or expense. Read about our accreditation intentions.
Q: Can both men and women attend Whitefield Global College?
A: Yes. WGC is biblical and complementarian with roles and leadership, no question. Within those confines, the need for women to be theologically and experientially equipped in cross-cultural ministry has never been greater. There are endless roles in church planting and strengthening that the Lord uses women greatly. The strength of having single women, wives, daughters and grandmothers ready to offer sound answers to questions, teach and disciple women and children and be in lock-step with the mission’s methodology and doctrine is tremendous.
Q: I have a past that is dark and less than godly, should I even bother to apply?
A: First, work this out with your home church elders, but probably, yes. As 1 Corinthians 6:11 makes clear, the cleansing that the Lord does in redeeming a sinner is full and amazing. Second, we will walk with you as you describe His saving and sanctifying work in your heart and life as Christ brought you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Great biblical discernment is needed for every prospective missionary and we will gladly, prayerfully, process this decision and suggest next steps with you, following the lead of your church elders.
Q: May I come out for a campus visit prior to deciding to attend WGC?
A: Absolutely! Mostly for the opportunity to get to know one another and talk about what God is doing in your heart and plans. Once the school launches, feel free to arrange sitting in on some classes, meet students and professors and learn more from our small staff and volunteers. The college is intentionally small and simple, tucked into a nice church campus, so the vast majority of your “exploring” will be in spiritual discussions and not in physical facilities. We would love for you to get a feel for what your time at WGC would be like, explore Bellingham, visit local churches and enjoy the coffee capital of North America (WGC self-proclaimed). Get in touch with us to make arrangements.
Q: When is the deadline to apply for admission?
A: Applications for admission begin being reviewed on the first business day of September for the academic years that begins twelve months later. In this initial stage, that is (9/2/25) one year before the school launches in the fall of 2026, Lord willing. Phase One of your application may be submitted anytime.
Q: May I attend WGC if I haven’t finished my undergraduate studies?
A: Possibly. Whitefield will allow a limited number of students who have not yet completed their undergraduate program into a Certificate of Missiology program that can be retroactively upgraded to a M.A. upon completion of the Bachelor’s work later on.
Q: Does WGC provide housing?
A: No. Students are on their own to line up housing. We do have volunteers that offer help in tracking down openings for rental housing, better prices and counsel on where to live. Get in touch and ask for help and ideas. This is another dimension that has allowed WGC to keep its costs down. If you live in British Columbia, WGC is less than half an hour from the border. WGC is just over an hour north of Everett if you reside to the south.
Q: What is the specific location of the college facilities?
WGC is located within the building of Spring Creek Bible Church on the north side of Bellingham. Spring Creek [567 E. Kellogg Rd] is an independent Bible church that has faithfully served Whatcom County believers and the community since the 1950’s.
Learn more about Life in Bellingham
Q: Can I attend WGC remotely in a distance learning program?
A: The short answer is no. Your discipleship is too critical to sacrifice the benefits of face-to-face relationships. A very limited number of classes may be available online each year, but WGC is designed for in-person learning.
Q: May I take more than one class at a time?
Generally no. Our modular learning format arranges for a single professor to walk you and your entire cohort of students through one subject at a time, using all the class hours for that week. On rare occasion a professor may be willing to add a second, evening course while at Whitefield. That is not only a rare possibility (much advanced notice would be given to students) but also a pretty taxing demand (15 additional class time hours) on a teacher, so please bring gummy bears and coffee to sustain your instructor. If technology permits it, WGC may allow a few classes to be taken online during “off-hours” but you shouldn’t plan on many such courses.
Q: What is discipleship?
A lifelong process of becoming more and more like Christ and having highest affections for Him. And in this context, the Lord using other believers as one dimension of that to teach, encourage, correct and pray for you. A mature fellow disciple of Christ can help you bring Scripture to bear on everything and thus feel, act and think as a follower of Christ more consistently than when you were first converted and baptized. See Titus 2, 2 Timothy 2, Acts 18, Ephesians 6 and Hebrews 3. Learn more here.
Field Exposure
Q: Where do students go during Field Exposure?
There is no people group we won’t attempt to reach! As the Lord permits, WGC custom designs the Field Exposure for every student with hopefully, a perfect mix. If you have prospective cultures that are of high priority, we are, of course, eager to have you gain that experience. But we will also intentionally send you to be with local believers and missionaries in wildly different cultures and thus broaden the value of your experience. Probably every missionary should spend some time among unreached people groups.
Financial Questions
Q: Can my church line up a discount for our future missionaries by supporting WGC?
A: Yes. If your church wants to partner with WGC to allow it to be sustainable on an on-going basis, members of your church are eligible for a slight reduction in tuition costs. It isn’t a large commitment on your church’s part, just consistent. Start a conversation to learn more.
Q: I am considering donating toward WGC’s unique ministry? Is the college financially accountable to anyone?
A: Yes, hopefully soon. Right now, everything is just being established (the school launches in Sept. 2026), but it is the intent of the leadership to become an EFCA Member as soon as we reach the stage of being eligible. Give here.
Q: Are gifts to Whitefield Global College tax-deductible?
A: Yes, as a 501c3 non-profit religious organization, gifts are considered tax-deductible donations and WGC issues ‘Giving Receipts’ each year by the end of January. Private support is a vital aspect of our ability to offer this training affordably, thank you for prayerfully considering the Lord’s will for your participation. Give here.