soak in the realities of other people groups that you are hoping to reach

Experience the New Testament Church in Multiple Cultures

Over the course of your training, allow WGC Field Exposure trips to put you on the ground next to experienced servants in various international contexts. That includes cultures you have the greatest preference to consider and some that you don’t. Spend 12 weeks of each year (which means 36 weeks in total), in cross-cultural settings that will model biblical church planting and strengthening as you connect with humble, hard-working missionaries eager to welcome you.

Few steps will advance your discernment of God’s will for you more than to be among the people He may potentially be calling you to go to. Breathe the same air, wrestle with their language, taste the food, wrangle with crowds, travel the roads and worship Christ Jesus side by side with those in-country. Build your preparedness and connections by also being among the church in action in wildly different cultures.

Critical is that in-country missionaries who welcome you are blessed and helped and not burdened. Thus your accommodations and tasks won’t be glamorous and you will be expected to role up your sleeves and work hard. As much as the exposure blesses and helps you, you are there to serve and encourage them. And ask a million questions!

Each round of Field Exposure earns half or a full credit. Students are highly encouraged to raise needed funds for these practicums, as much as possible, through their own supporting senders.

Our Approach

Witnessing the need and the Biblical ‘recipe’ in person

Have a passion for a certain people group?

Your top priorities in terms of possible fields of service are our priority to help you gain first-hand experience, add cultural awareness and start building relationships with others already serving. Whether your calling feels clear or is still uncertain, WGC students will meet and worship Christ with New Testament churches in a number of cultural contexts. Witnessing the opportunities and needs of a specific group and getting to know the hearts of fellow missionaries can be greatly used of God in your own future plans.

Not sure what role God might have you play?

Are you an instructor, a nurse, an I.T. geek, a writer or a mechanic? At WGC, no matter what your specific gifting, you will process myriad roles through the examples and lessons that professors, disciplers and missionaries will share. And the value of the first-hand experience overseas through your Field Exposure weeks is immeasurable. One way or another every role must have a clear and direct connection to the establishment or strengthening of the local church-God’s chosen ‘recipe’ for proclaiming Christ in the world.