WGC Board of Regents

Seeking the leaders that God has for WGC overall oversight is a significant endeavor currently in process. Please pray with us that God will finish creating precisely the board that will guide this institution in Christ-centered, God-honoring ways through these pivotal initial years. Lord willing, this team will be assembled and functioning within the next few months.

Our founder is Mark Lind, who served as one of the pastors at Spring Creek Bible Church in Bellingham, WA for almost seventeen years and is now committing himself to this project. Mark is a 2007 M.Div. graduate of The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, CA. He and his wife Christine have six children, three of whom are out of state pursuing college educations while the youngest three are still finishing homeschooling.

Directing and Advising Churches

Whitefield Global College will also receive direction and accountability from a number of churches in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Directing churches are those with an elder(s) who also serves in WGC’s leadership or are those that God has led to be intimately involved in the planning and operations of the school. Advising Churches are churches who support the efforts of WGC with wisdom, counsel, and finances, but to a lesser extent than Directing Churches. The church is God’s design and stands over ministries such as WGC (and all missions work), thus WGC exists to serve and submit to local churches.

Please pray with us in this developmental stage for the Lord to formulate the ecclesiological foundation of WGC to be rich with gospel fervor and hearts that are concerned with God’s glory above all.